Suppose we want to exchange information between two PLCs via network UNITELWAY. The following figure (Fig.1) shows a circuit of both PLC. Two TSXPACC01 placed to protect the TER entrances of each PLC by exogenous risk factors (hypertension, overvoltage etc.) and are very necessary

Figure 1

At the following figure (Fig.2), we can see the configuration needed to addressing the 1st PLC
This picture listed for the Master PLC. To display the image below, do the following steps:
In the PL7 Application Browser, application has already created, select Configuration -->
Hardware Configuration.
The Hardware appears and double-click on the shape of the TER which is displayed below the image.
In option "select CHANNEL" select CHANNEL 0.
If PLC PCMCIA card is installed and we want to use it then select CHANNEL 1.
Next choose the type of communication that used, in this case UniTelWay.
Then choose the "Type" --> Type Master.
Below the latter option see this option "Number of slaves" = 8 indicating the number of Slave PLC, from 4 to 8 Addresses Slaves. (A PLC can have from 1 to 3 addresses depending on the application. The position 0 is bound by the Master CPU, and the 1,2,3  for a device programmer (eg PC) .

Figure 2

Whole can be connected up to 5 Slave PLC, but if you connect a Magelis terminal, then limited to 3 Slave PLCs, because Magelis binds 2 Addresses.
If you use PCMCIA card then the total number of Slave addresses is about 98.
Below we see Figure 3, which refers to the Slave PLC.
We make the same adjustments but also set the option "Server Address AD0" to 6.
It is best to begin the addressing of PLCs by this specific address (if other used).
We can introduce a Magelis terminal to the existing network.
In this example we will follow the specified address and we will see how to put together the basic commands for data exchange.

Figure 3

The following figure (Fig.4) shows the commands necessary to achieve communication between the PLC network UNITEL-WAY

Figure 4

Suppose you want to read three words from the Slave PLC using the command
READ_VAR (ADR # 0.0.6, '% MW', 1,3,% MW10: 3,% MW200: 4)

ADR # 0.0.6: the destination address (Slave PLC), Module = 0, Channel = 0, Ad0 = 6

'% MW': is the type of data (internal words)

1:% MW1 is the Slave PLC 1st % MW

3 is the total number of words to be read from the Slave PLC

So you read the following 3 words - % MW1,% MW2,% MW3.

%MW10: 3: is the area in the Master PLC to place the above three words
i.e positions % MW10,% MW11,% MW12, respectively.

%MW200: 4: activity bit, report, length.

Now suppose that we want to write three words to Slave PLC using the command
WRITE_VAR (ADR # 0.0.6, '% MW', 20,3,% MW30: 3,% MW250: 4)

ADR # 0.0.6: the destination address (Slave PLC), Module = 0, Channel = 0, AD0 = 6

'%MW': is the type of data (internal words)

20 means the %MW20 the Slave PLC 20th % MW

3 is the total number of words will be written to the Slave PLC

So you write the following 3 words % MW20,% MW21,% MW22.

% MW30: 3: is the area in the Master PLC from where they would write the above three words in the Slave PLC, ie positions% MW30,% MW31,% MW32, respectively.

% MW250: 4: activity bit, report, length.



% MW10: 3  <-- % MW1: 3


% MW30: 3 -- > % MW20: 3

Figure 5

In Figure 5 we see the internal view of TSXPACC01

S1: Selector of how the PLC (Master or Slave) which is attached the TSXPACC01
S2: Selector finish line BUS.
JA and JB: connectors TSXCSA 100/200/500 cable of the BUS.

Figure 6

Specific configuration options in our example.
For the Master PLC: S1 place in OFF postion and S2 in the NOT OFF.
For the Slave PLC: S1 = NOT OFF, S2 = NOT OFF.

Figure 7

In Figure 7 we see how to connect the cable at the interior connectors of the
TSXPACC01, and at figure 8 the communication connectors of the TSX P ACC01

Figure 8

This is an example of how to use the READ_VAR and WRITE_VAR commands and also how to configure the PLCs to form a UNITELWAY network. This code should be altered or inserted respectively in your specific application. It is your rensponsibility to use the example properly in your applications
For more info visit Schneider Electric Site